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  • Solhan Vocational School of Health Services, Bingöl University, Solhan, Bingöl, Turkey
  • Disinfectology Institute of the Federal Scientific Center of Hygiene named after F. F. Erisman of the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, Moscow, Russia

  • Department of Mycology and Algology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow Lomonosov State University,
    Moscow, 119992 Russia
  • Department of Biology, University of Montenegro, Cetinjski put b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro;
  • Zoological Institute Ukraian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine
  • A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Science, Leninsky prosp., 33, Moscow 117071, Russia
  • State Pedagogical University, Poltava, 36001 Ukraine
  • Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia
  • Biological Research Institute of St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, Old Petergof, 198904 Russia