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  • Department of Zoology, Meerut College, Meerut-250001, U.P., India;
  • Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Branisovska 31,370 05 Ceske Budejovice,
    Czech Republic
  • Research Institute of Regional Infectious Pathology, Tyumen, 625026 Russia
  • Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution RAS, Moscow, Russia
  • Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya str. 6, Moscow 125009, Russia

  • Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Center, Dokii, Giza, Egypt
  • Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC SSC of RAS), Sochi, Russia

  • 25 West Lea Drive, Tingley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK
  • Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 61-614, Poland
  • X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia