
1993. 1 (1-2)


About authors:

V.G. Shevchenko, Biological Research Institute of St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, Old Petergof, 198904 Russia
I.G. Bagnjuck, Biological Research Institute of St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg, Old Petergof, 198904 Russia
Veikko Rinne, Department of Biology, University of Turku, SF-2500, Turku, Finland


We would like to acknowledge gratefully the assistance of all those who participated in the study of Trisetacuspini distribution during 1973-1992: Mr. J.V. De-Millo, Mr. E.J. De-Millo, Mr.  A.S. Kogan, Mr V.B. Milevsky, Mr. G.V. Pakk, Mr. G.V. Shevchenkd, Dr. A.M. Shimansky, Mr. M.A. Starikov, IMr. V.A. Tolmachev Dr. A.A. Zjuzin.

We express our best thanks to all those who have helped us in the collection of data in the field. We pay a tribute ofprofound respect to our late friends and the son of one of the authors who had been working together with us for many years.

One of the authors of this work, V.G. Shevchenko, was supported in Finland by Dr. S. Koponen and Dr. Ritva Niemi (from Turku University); in addition, he was supported by the officials of the Department of Zoology, University of Turku. We wish to thank them for their support.


Trisetacus pini (Nalepa) is the only species of Tetrapodili inducing bark galls (= twig knots or swellings) on the twigs of the gymnospermous plant, Pinus sylvestris L. A more exact name for fbese abnormalities is «nodal or internodal tuberculoid cau-Igblastomes» [Slepyan, 1973]. The biology of this mite species is Uncommon. The mites can live inside the same gall for about ten years. There are two types of females in T.pini. It still remains to be elucidated whether or not they are real proto- and deutogyne females. Males average 3.4% only. The development is very slow and presumably this species has one or two generations in a year.

Adult females are the principal overwintering and migrating stage. The vernal migration begins in the second half of May and lasts approximately up to one month. The mites can leave only galls of 3 and more years, which have cracks in their walls. T.pini induce galls in the plants ofvarious ages, but new cauloblastomes appear only in the most favorable years or periods. Badly infested shoots die and appear to be dry. Nearly 45% ofinfested plants had only old galls. T.pini has a limited distribution. This species occupies certain habitats along Baltic Sea Shore.


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