
1995. 3 (1-2)



S.I. Sukhareva

About author:

S.I. Sukhareva, Biological Research Institute, St.Petersburg State University, Old Peterhof 198904, Russia


Я благодарна моим коллегам В.Г. Шевченко и И.Г. Багнюк за ценные советы и замечания по поводу моей рукописи. Также я выражаю благодарность С.Ф. Колодяжному и В.М. Хайтову за помощь в статистической обработке материала.

Работа выполнена при поддержке фонда Дж. Сороса и Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований.


In the present time family Phytoptidae includes 42 species. Its members have several archaic features (four setae on the dorsal shield, the presence of and tibial spur) and are exclusively connected with angiospermous plants, mainly with the monocotyledons. Most re-presentatives of this family are wormlike elongate mites with homoge-neous abdominal rings. This group is related with host-plants of the subclass Liliidae. The minority are short fusiform mites connected with host-plants of the subclass Arecidae. Mites from the dicotyledonous plants are found among the representatives of both groupings.

The analysis of 22 morphological features of 40 species was done which included the correlation analysis and the features analysis. The correlation analysis shows the high correlation of the ancestral features with characters connected with the wormlike habitus.

Probably, the extantl representatives of this family are the remains of the ancestor phytoptoid fauna that used to live on all angiosperms. At the present time this family is well preserved on the Monocotyledonous plants, where it continued to evolve. On the Dicotyledons it is represented now only by few species.


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