1996. 4 (1-2)Author:
A.M. PodboronovAbout author:
A.M. Podboronov, Pensa Pedagogical University, Pensa 440000 RussiaAnnotation:
In the body cavity of unfed adult ticks Hyalom-ma asiaticum are capable to preserve for a month. The agents of salmonellesis and shigellosis infections as well as conditionally pathogenic bacteria Kl.pneumoniae. The ticks as model object is also a fevourable medium for the avirulent E.coli strain that is persistent in the body cavity either in isolated state or mixed with strain of S.typhimurium in proportion 1:1. Mixed bacterial carrying in unfed ticks will make it possible to reveal the antagonistic interrelations between cultures in the conditions of a sharp decrease in immunity of ticks.Keywords:
Алексеев А.Н.. Кондрашова З.Н. 1985. Организм членистоногих как среда обитания возбудителей. УНЦ АН СССР, Свердловск. 180 с.