1997. 5 (1-2)Author:
Sergey V. MironovAbout author:
Sergey V. Mironov, e-mailZoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The material used for the present study (repre-sents the collection) was received by the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1996 as a last will gift from the late professor Dr. J.Gaud (Universite de Nice, France), the prominent expert on the feather mites.Annotation:
A new feather mite species Bychovskiata frey-anoides sp.n. is described from the masked lapwing Vanellus miles novaehollandiae (Charadriidae: Vanellinae) from Australia.
Dubinin V.B. 1951. [Feather mites of the Baraba Steppe. Report 1. Feather mites of waterfowl and wading birds of the orders of rails, greebs, palmipedes, anserines, herons, gulls, and limicoles] // Parazito-logieheskiy Sbornik. T.13. S. 120-256. [in Russian]