About author:
Umukusum Ya. Shtanchaeva,
Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Автор выражает свою искреннюю благодарность Л.Г. Бязрову и И.А. Нетужилину за предоставленный материал.
The fauna of oribatid mites inhabiting lichens was studied in a pine forest of Bryansk region (Central Russia). 36 species belonging to 29 genera and 21 families were revealed. The species diversity and the faunal structure of the oribatids of the soil cover lichens Cladonia arbuscula and C.uncialis are more similar to one another than to the correspond-ing characteristics of an epiphytic lichen Hypogym-nia physodes. These three lichen forms were found to be inhabited, respectively, by 29,23 and 14 species of oribatid mites. Inhabitants of soil cavities and soil surface are predominant in the «spectrum» of the oribatid life forms of soil cover lichens. Most species of oribatid mites revealed in the epiphytic lichens are eurybiontic forms.
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Бязров Л.Г., Мелехина Е.Н. 1992. Панцирные клещи в лишайниковых консорциях северной Сканди-навии (на примере Варангер-фьорда) // Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. Т.97. Вып.З. С.73-79.
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