
1999. 7 (1)


About authors:

A.B. Lange , Department of Entomology; Faculty of Biology, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow, 119992 Russia
Andrei V. Tolstikov,  e-mail

X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia


The peculiarit ies of formation of the prelarva, as well as the eclosion process in hydrophilous oribatid mites Trhypochthoniellus setosus (Willmann, 1928) and Hydrozetes lemnae (Coggi, 1899) were described as a result of observations on the embry - ogenesis in vivo. The prelarvae of species studied are immotile and fetal. They belong to two known types according to the classification of Lange, 1960: in prelarvae of T.setosus the appendages are represented by sheathlike structures, whereas those appendages in H.lemnae are not morphologically developed. The prelarva of H.lemnae has a sack-like form as many higher Acariformes. The ontogeny of mentioned species is accompanied by the lecital andtheuteralembryonization [Lange, 1960; Lange, Sokolova, 1992], but at different degrees. In H.lemnae the eggs are deposited at the early phases of embryogenesis, whilst in T.setosus the process of the embryonization goes further, and the eggs are deposited with the larva ready to eclose (ovoviviparity). The eclosion of T.setosus goes in two steps: the partial eclosion ("semieclosion") of the prelarva, and the final eclosion of the larva. It is found that the frontal peak of the prelarva functions as the "egg tooth". In H.lemnae the prelarva does not tear the egg coverings, and the larva is the eclosion stage.

The development of studied species of mites demonstrates different degrees of both the lecital and the uteral embryonizations with their most derived state in T.setosus where it includes the embryogenesis, the prelarva and the formation of the larva,


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