About author:
Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. J.Aoki, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan and Dr. A.V. Tolstikov, Tyu-men State University, Tyumen, Russia for reading the manuscript and offering helpful suggestions for improving it. This study was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Epidamaeus are described from larch and birch forests in Central Mongolia. The first new species, Epidamaeus crassisensillatus sp.n. can be distinguished from the closely related species by having a relatively thick and expanded sensillus, the structure of ventral enantiophyses, the pres-ence of fewer setae on the femur II and tarsus IV, and the smaller body size. The second new species, E.brevisetosus sp.n. can be distinguished from its congeners by the character of notogastral setae and sensillus, the complete absence of the ventral enantiophyses E2, F a n d discidium, the different number of setae on femora II-IV, tarsi II-IV, and smaller body size.
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Bulanova-Zachvatkina E.M. 1979. [The geographical distribution of Epidamaeus Bulanova-Zachvatki-na, 1957 species (Acariformes, Oribatei)] // Piffl E. (ed.). Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Acarology. Akadémiai Kiado, Budapest. P. 57-60.
Ewing H . E . I 909. New American Oribatoidea // J. New York Ent. Soc. Vol. 17. P. 116-136.
Ewing H.E. 1913. New Acarina. Part I. General consid-erations and descriptions of new species from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan / / Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist. Vol. 32. P. 93-121 .
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Norton R.A. 1977a. A review of F. Grandjean's system of leg chaetotaxy in the Oribatei (Acari) and its application to the Damaeidae // Dindal D.L. (ed.). Biology of Oribatid Mites. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York. P. 33-61.
Norton R.A. 1977b. The genus Damaeus Koch (Acari-na: Oribatei) in the Eastern United States // Acarologia T.19. P. 331-353.
Norton R.A. 1978a. Generic concepts in the Damaei-dae (Acari: Oribatei). I. Three new taxa based on species of Nathan Banks // Acarologia. T.20. P. 603-622.
Norton R.A. 1978b. Veloppia kananaskis n. sp. with notes on the familial affinities of Veloppia Hammer (Acari: Oribatei) // Intern. J. Acarol. Vol.4. P. 71-84.
Norton R.A. 1979a. Aspects of the biogeography of Damaeidae, sensu latu (Oribatei), with emphasis on North America // Rodriquez J. G. (ed.). Recent Advances in Acarology. Academic Press, New York. Vol. 2. P. 535-540.
Norton R.A. 1979b. Damaeidae (Acari: Oribatei) col-lected by the Hungarian Soil Zoological Expedi-tions to South America // Folia Ent. Hung. T.32. P. 55-64.
Norton R.A. 1979c. Familial concepts in the Damaeoi-dea as indicated by preliminary phylogenetic stud-ies // Rodriquez J.G. (ed.). Recent Advances in Acarology. Academic Press, New York. Vol.2. P. 529-533.
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