2000. 8 (1)Author:
Alexander A. KhaustovAbout author:
Alexander A. Khaustov,X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
I am grateful to Dr. M .M. Eidelberg, Crime-an Institute of Ecology and Projecting, for provid-ing me with a collection of mites associated with carabid beetles. Also the author wish to express his deep gratitude to Drs. W.L.Magowski, A.Mickie-wicz University, Poznan, Poland, and E.E.Lindquist, Center for Land & Biological Research Agriculture, Canada, Ottawa, for their notes on morphology and systematics of mites of the new family.Annotation:
A new family of heterostigmatic mites, Bem-bidiacaridae, is described on the basis of Bembid-iacarus eidelbergi, gen. et sp. nov. The adult females of this species are found to be foretic on adult carabid beetles Bembidion saxatile Gyll. from Crimea.Keywords:
Lindquist E.E. 1986. The world genera of Tarsonemidae (Acari: Heterostigmata): a morphological, phylogenetic, and systematic revision, with a reclassification of family-group taxa in the Heterostigmata // Mem. ent. Soc. Canada. Vol.136. P. 1-517.