
2000. 8 (1)


About author:

Sergey V. Mironov, e-mail

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The author wish to express best thanks to Prof Dr. W.T. Atyeo (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) for loaning the materials used in the present study and to the late Prof. Dr. J. Gaud (Universite de Nice, France) who had granted a great part of his feather collection to Zoological Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia).

The present study was supported by the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR, Grant N-97-04-48977).


The taxonomic part of the review includes data on host-parasite associations, distribution, and synonymy to all formerly known species of the genus Scutomegninia. The descriptions of 14 new species: Scutomegninia (Scutomegninia) sub-anrarcricasp.n. from Phalacrocorax arriceps, S.(S.) aji·icana sp.n. from Ph. ajiicanus pictilis, S.(S.) australis sp.n. from Ph. sulcirostris, S.(S.) minuta from Marus bassanus, S.(S.) gaudi sp.n. from Pelecanus onocrotalus, S.( lbidomegninia) carphihidis sp.n. from Threskiornis spinicollis, S.(I.) oxyloba from Th. molucca srricripennis, S.(I.) ovata sp.n. from Th. melanocephala, S.(I.) moluccensis sp.n. from Th. molucca molucca, S.(I.) melanocephali sp.n. from Th. melanocephala, S.(I.) thailandica sp.n. from Thaumarhibis gigantea, S. (I.) eudocimi sp.n. from Eudocimus a/bus, S.(I.) theristici sp.n. from Thericticus caudatus caudatus, S. (I.) phimosi sp.n. from Phimosus injilscatus berlepschi are provided. A key to all known species is proposed. A cladistic analysis of the genus based on morphological characters is carried out. Based on the known host-parasite associations of Scutomegninia and on a comparative analysis of phylogenetic systems of the genus and respective bird hosts (Pelecaniforrnes and Ciconiiformes), a clear pattern of phylogenetic parallelism is recovered. A hypothesis of coevolutionary relationships between mites or the genus Scutomegninia and aquatic birds is proposed and discussed.


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