
2000. 8 (2)



G.A. Efremova

About author:

G.A. Efremova, Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences, 27 Akademicheskaya st., Minsk 220072 Byelorussia


The fauna of gamasid mites, their trophic structure as well as some peculiarities of the formation of their micropopulations in microbio-cenoses of bird nests were made known in the course of the faunistical and ecological survey of the complex of bird ectoparasites and inhabitants of theirnests in Byelorussia. Both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the gamasid mite bird nest complex were revealed. It is shown that those parameters are dependent on the bird host ecology, the placement and type of its nest, its microclimatic conditions, the origin of the nest material.


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Efremova G.A. 1997. [Radio-ecological monitoring of parasitic arthropods in a zone of Chernobyl N P P accident. Ecological monitoring of parasites] // Tezisy dokladov II s'ezda Parasitologicheskogo obshchestva RAN. St. Petersburg, 18-20 November, 1997. S.49. [In Russian] [16]

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