
2000. 8 (2)



A. V. Kharadov

About author:

A. V. Kharadov, Dachnaya st. la, Bishkek, 720019  Kyrgyzstan


The paper presents data on chigger mites of the tamarisk jird Meriones tamariscinus Pallas, 1773 and the libyan jird M. lybicus Lichtenshein, 1823 in Kyrgyzstan. Sixteen species and 9 genera of chigger mites parasitic on gerbillids were re-vealed. The peculiarities of rodents' infestation by Trombiculidae depending on the altitude or cer-tain season of the year are discussed. A list of localities of chigger mite species parasitic on gerbillids in Kyrgyzstan is provided.


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