
2000. 8 (2)


About author:

Sevastianov V. D., I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University, Shampanskiy al., 2, Odessa, 65058 Ukraine


This review summarizes data on the habitat diversity, species richness and the present state of knowledge of two large taxonomic groups of acariform mites: Tarsonemina and Acaridiae.

Four ecological groupings of these mites were under consideration:
1. Entomophilous mites, associated with the Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, solitary and social Hymenoptera, and those, parasitic on insects. 2. Inhabitants of ephemeral substrates such as dung, plant exudates, treeholes, insect burrows in living and dead wood, nests of mammals and birds. 3. Inhabitants of soil and litter, including agricultural systems. 4. Plant-inhabiting phytophagous, saprophagous, mycop-hagous, and predatory mites.

The analysis of our knowledge of these ecological groupings of mites makes it possible for the author to suggest that less than 3% of the real diversity of Tarsonemina and Acaridiae is known to date.


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