About author:
Shatrov A. B., Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya emb. 1, 199034, St-Petersburg, Russia
This study was supported by the Russian Foun - dation for Basic Research grant 0 0 - 0 4 - 4 8 8 8 5 . The author is grateful thanks to Dr. J. Makol f r o m Agricultural University of Wroclaw for her so kind help with the identification of the mite species. The author is very thankful to A . M . Ignatyev and P.I. Henkin, engineers of the Laboratory of Parasitolo-gy, for their valuable technical assistance with the electron microscope.
Detailed SEM observations on external ul-trastructural morphology of unfed larvae of three species of trombidiid mites of the genera Trombidi-um brevimanum (Trombidiidae), Platytrombidium fasciatum and Camerotrombidium pexatum (Micro-trombidiidae) are presented for the first time. Sig-nificant differences in external morphological or-ganization between larvae of Trombidiidae and closely related Trombiculidae are shown. This can be explained by different adaptive strategies of mites of these families.
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