
2001. 9 (2)


About author:

Umukusum Ya. Shtanchaeva,

Complutense University, Madrid, Spain 


The author expresses her sincere thanks to D. A.Krivolutsky, N. I.Dzhaparidze, S.N.Iordansky, I.A.Netuzhilin, L.G.Sitnikova, Yu.R.Khanbekyan for the material for the present study.


The catalog of oribatid mites of the Caucasus includes 886 species and finding records from 190 geographical sites of the region.


1. Алиева С.A. [Alieva S.A. 1964. Oribatid mites from different localities of the Kuba-Khachmas Zone of the Azerbaijan SSR] // Uchenye zapiski Azerb. gos. universiteta. Ser. Biol. Nauki. No.l. S.47-50. [In Russian]

2. Алиева С.A. [Alieva S.A. 1966. Oribatid Mites in the Conditions of the Kuba-Khachmas Zone as Inter-mediate Hosts of Moniezia of Agricultural Ani-mals]. Autoref. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Baku. 17 s. [In Russian]

3. Бочарова M.M. [Bocharova M. M. 1973. Species composition of oribatid mites on pastures and cat-tleways of the kolkhoz of the Arkhonskaya settle-ment of the Northen Ossetia] // Sbornik Zoolog. Rabot. Ordzhonikidze. S. 81-89. [In Russian]

4. Biogeocenoses of the Alpine Barren Lands Using the North-Western Caucasus as an Example. 1987. T.N.Rabotnov, Ed. Nauka Pubi.House, Moscow, P.48-56. [In Russian]

5. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatkina E.M. 1957. Bulb-legged oribatid mites of the fam-ilty DamaeidaeBerl. (Acariformes, Oribatei). Com-munication 1 ] // Zoologichesky Zhumal. T.36. No.8. S.l 167-1186. [In Russian]

6. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatkina E.M. 1960. New representatives of primitive orib-atid mites of the superfamily Perlohmannoidea Grandjean, 1958 (Acariformes, Oribatei)] // Zoo-logichesky Zhurnal. T.39. No. 12. S. 1835-1848, [In Russian]

7. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatkina E.M. 1962. Bulb-legged mites of the familty Damaeidae Berlese, 1896. Tribe Belbini, Tribe п.] //Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.41.No.2. S.203-216. [In Russian]

8. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatkina E.M. 1965. On the diagnostics of species of the genus Metabelba Grandjean, 1936 (Oribatei, Bel-bidae)] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.44. No.9. S. 1333-1343. [In Russian]

9. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatkina E.M. 1967. Armored Mites Oribatida.] Vysshaya Shkola Pubi., Moscow. 254 s. [In Russian]

10. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatki-na E.M. 1970. Fauna of oribatid mites of the USSR and their distribution] // Oribatidy (Oribatei) i ikh rol v pochvoobrazovatelnykh processakh. Vilnius. S.55-71. [In Russian]

11. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatki-na E.M.] 1974. Geographic distribution of the ge-nus Epidamaeus Bulanova-Zachvatkina, 1957 (Acariformes, Oribatei) // Proc. 4th Internal. Con-gr. Acarology. P. 57-60.

12. Буланова-Захваткина E.M. [Bulanova-Zakhvatki-na E.M. 1975. On the fauna of oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the USSR] // Problemy pochvennoy zoologii. Materialy V Vswsoyuznoy konferentsii. S.7-12. [In Russian],

13. ГазалиевН.А. [Gazaliev N. A. 1982.0ribatidsofthe pasture ecosystems of the Tersko-Kumskaya Low-land of Daghestan] // Biologicheskaya produc-tivnost landshaftov Daghestana. Makhachkala. S. 38^15. [In Russian]

14. Газалиев H.A. [Gazaliev N.A. 1993. The influence of intensive grazing of the cattle on the community of microarthropods of the pasture ecosystems ofthe Tersko-Kumskaya Lowland of Daghestan] II Ecologiya. No. 2. S. 90-93. [In Russian]

15. Газалиев H.A. [Gazaliev N.A. 1994a. Anthropo-genic changes in the communities of microarthro-pods of the high mountain pastures of the Eastern Caucasus]  //  Izvestiya  vysshikh  uchebnikhzavedeniy. North-Caucasus Region. No.3. Rostov-on-Don. S.69-72. [In Russian]

16. Газалиев H.A. [Gazaliev N.A. 1994b. Recommen-dation on Prophilaxy and Liquidation of Moniezi-osis of Ruminants Transmitted by Oribatid (Ar-mored) Mites in the Conditions of Daghestan.] Makhachkala. 22 s. [In Russian]

17. Газалиев H.A. [Gazaliev N.A. 1997. Peculiarities of the structure of the community of oribatid mites in high mountains of the Eastern Caucasus] // Ecolog-icheskie problemy Pricaspiyskoy nizmennosti. Vyp.2. Makhachkala. S.77-82. [In Russian]

18. Газалиев H.A. [Gazaliev N.A. 1999. Microarthro-pods in a biological control and bioindication of anthropogenic impacts] // Biologicheskie problemyi perspectivy ikh izucheniya v regionakh Caspiysko-go morya. Mater. Vserossiyskoy konf., posvashch. 25lh-letiyu Pricaspiyskogo Instituta biolog. resursov Dalnevostochnogo Tsentra Russian AcademiiNauk. Makhachkala. S.233-237. [In Russian]

19. Газалиев H.A. [Gazaliev N.A. 2000. Peculiarities of the community of oribatid mites of the pine forests of the high mountains of the Eastern Caucasus in relation with the altitude levels] // Ecologiya. No. 1. S.38^0. [In Russian]

20. Газалиев H.A., Загидова P.M. [Gazaliev N.A., Zagidova R.M. 1997. Bioproduction of microar-thropod under anthropogenic pollution of the envi-ronment with heavy metals] // Izvestiya Severo-Kavkazskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Visshei Shkoly. Natural Sciences. No.2. Rostov-on-Don. S.80-84. [In Russian]

21. Голосова Л.Д., Тарба 3.M. [Golosova L.D., Tarba L.M. 1974. New species and genera of the super-family Oppoidea (Acariformes, Oribatei)  from Abkhazia and Primorsky Kray] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.53. No. 12. S. 1885-1887. [In Russian]

22. Гордеева Е.В. [Gordeeva E.V. 1970. Oribatid mites in the soils of Crimea] // Oribatids (Oribatei), i ikh rol v pochvoobrazovatelnykh processakh. Vilnius. S.l 19-127. [In Russian]

23. Гордеева Е.В. [Gordeeva E.V. 1983. Oribatid mites of the genus Quadroppia (Oribatei, Oppiidae) from various regions of the Soviet Union] // Zoolog-ichesky Zhurnal. T.62. No.8. S. 1267-1270. [In Russian]

24. Гордеева E.B., Тарба 3.M. [Gordeeva E.V., Tarba Z.M. 1990. A new genus and the new species of the family Oppiidae (Acariformes, Oribatei) from Ab-khazia] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.69. No.l. S. 143-147. [In Russian]

25. Гречаниченко Т.Е., Петрова-Никитина А. Д. [Gre-chanichenko Т.Е., Petrova-Niki tina A. D. 1987. The structure of the communities of oribatid mites (Ori-batei) of the alpine lichen heaths of the Caucasus] // Pochvennaya fauna i pochvennoye plodorofie. Proceed. Ixth Intern.Colloquium on Soil Zoology. Nauka Pubi., Moscow. P.556 -558. [In Russian]

26. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1964. To the species composition of the fauna of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatei) of the vicin-ities of Tbilisi] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.34. No.2. S.457^64. [In Russian]

27. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1965. To the seasonal and statial distribution of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatei) in the vicin-ities of Tbilisi] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T. 37. No.l. S. 175-179. [In Russian]

28. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1967. To the distribution of oribatid mites (Acari-formes, Oribatei) of Borzhom-Bakurianskoye Ush-chelye] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.46. No.3. S.721-726. [In Russian]

29. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1975. Oribatid mites of the foothill-steppe land-scapes] // Problemy pochvennoy zoologii. Materi-aly dokladov IX Vsesoyuznogo  soveshchaniya. Metsniereba Pubi., Tbilisi. S. 82-83. [In Russian]

30. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1976. Oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the Eastern Geor-gia.] Autoref. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Tbilisi. 24 s. [In Russian]

31. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1979. To the knowledge of oribatid mites of the mountain chernozems of Georgia] // Fauna be-spozvonochnykh korichnevykh pochv i gornykh chernozemov Gruzii. Metsniereba Pubi., Tbilisi. S. 166-174. [In Russian]

32. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D. 1981. To the knowledge of oribatids of the sub-alpine zone of the Kazbek District (Central Cauca-sus)] // Problemy pochvennoy zoologii. Tezisy dokladov VII Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya. Kiev. S. 66-77. [In Russian]

33. Дареджанашвили Ш.Д., Носелидзе Ц.И. [Daredzhanashvili Sh.D., Noselidze Ts.I. 1991. Ecological and faunistical analysis of oribatids of the mountain forest soils of the coniferous forests of Eastern Georgia] // Problemy pochvennoy zoologii. Tezisy dokladov X Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya. Novosibirsk. S.50. [In Russian]

34. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1963. To the fauna of oribatid mites of Georgia (Acari, Orib-atei)] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.31. No.2. S.413-419. [In Russian]

35. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1966. Oribatid mites] // Fauna Trialetskogo khrebta. Metsniereba Pubi., Tbilisi. S. 40-63.

36. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1973. Descrip-tion of two new species of oribatid mites (Acarina, Oribatei) from Georgia] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.71. No.2. S.469^172. [In Russian]

37. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1974. Oribatid mites of some geographical zones of Georgia (Acar-iformes, Oribatei)] // Materialy k faune Gruzii. T.4. Metsniereba Pubi, Tbilisi. S.l 1—40. [In Russian]

38. ДжапаридзеH.И. [DzhaparidzeN.I. 1975.0ribatid mites of the foothill-steppe landscapes] // Problemy pochvennoy zoologii. Materialy dokladov IX Vs-esoyuznogo soveshchaniya. Metsniereba Pubi., Tbilisi. S.82-83. [In Russian]

39. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1979. Ori-blatid mites of the steppe biotopes of the vicinities of Martkobi] // Fauna bespozvonochnykh korich-nevykh pochv i gornykh chernozemov Gruzii. Metsniereba, Tbilisi. S. 157-166. [In Russian]

40. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1980. New species of the genus Liacarus Michael, 1898 (Acar-iformes, Oribatei)] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.98. No.l. S. 173-175. [In Russian]

41. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1981. The finding of Liacarus robustus Ewing, 1918 and Liacarus cuspidatus Michelcic, 1958 (Acariformes, Oribatei) in the Soviet Union] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T. 101. No.l. S. 165-168. [In Russian]

42. Джапаридзе H.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1983. To the systematics of oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the genus Liacarus Michael, 1898] // Fauna i ecologiya be-spozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Gruzii. Metsniereba, Tbilisi. S.110-126. [In Russian]

43. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1985a. New findings of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatei) in Georgia] // Fauna i ecologiya nekotorykh grupp nasekomykh i kleshchey Gruzii. Tbilisi. S.58-71. [In Russian]

44. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1985b. A new species of mites of the genus Tectocepheus  Berlese, 1913 and on the species validity of  Tectocepheus velatus var. sarekensis  Tragardh, 1910 (Oribatei)] // Fauna i ecologiya nekotorykh grupp nasekomykh i kleshchey Gruzii. Metsniereba Pubi., Tbilisi. S.72-81. [In Russian]

45. Джапаридзе Н.И. [DzhaparidzeN.I. 1986. Oribatid mites of the genus Amazoppia  Balogh et Mahunka, 1969 in Georgia] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.121. No.3. S.629-632. [In Russian]

46. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1989. Oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the genus Oribatella Banks, 1895 in the fauna of Georgia] // Fauna i ecologiya bespozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Gruzii. Metsniere-ba Pubi., Tbilisi. S. 64-70. [In Russian]

47. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1990a. Two new species of oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the genera Liacarus Michael, 1898 and Carabodes C.L.Koch, 1836 in the fauna of Georgia] // Soobsh-cheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR. T.137. No.3. S.617-619. [In Russian]

48. Джапаридзе Н.И. [Dzhaparidze N.I. 1990b. New species of oribatid mites (Oribatei) of the genus Flexa Kulijev, 1977 in the fauna of Georgia (USSR)]
// Soobshcheniya Academii NaukGruz. SSR. Т. 137. No.2. S.405-408. [In Russian]

49. Джапаридзе Н.И., Гомелаури A.JI. [Dzhaparidze N.I., Gomelauri A.L. 1986. Oribatid (Oribatei) and gamasid (Gamasoidea) mites in the caves of Geor-gia] // Soobshcheniya Academii Nauk Gruz. SSR, T. 124. No.3. S.612-616. [In Russian]

50. Джапаридзе Н.И., Меламуд В.В. [Dzhaparidze N.I., Melamud V.V. 1990. A new species of orib-atid mites of the genus Liacarus (Oribatei, Liacari-dae)] //Novosti Faunistiki i Systematiki. Naukova Dumka Pubi., Kiev. S. 156-157. [In Russian]

51. Иорданский C.H. [Iordansky S.N. 1991. Revision of oribatid mites of the genus Oribatuia (Acari-formes, Cryptostigmata, Oribatulidae) of the fauna of the USSR] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.70. Noi S.77-89. [In Russian]

52. Криволуцкий Д.A. [Krivolutsky D.A. 1966a. Orib-atid mites in the soils of humid subtropical forests of Zakavkazye] // Vliyanie zhivotnykh na produc-tivnostlesnykhbiogeotsenosov.Nauka Pubi., Mos-cow. S. 181-191. [In Russian]

53. Криволуцкий Д.A. [Krivolutsky D.A. 1966b. Or. the oribatid mites (Oribatei, Acariformes) of ths soils of Central Asia] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal, T.45. No.l 1. S. 1628-1639. [In Russian]

54. Криволуцкий Д.A. [Krivolutsky D.A. 1974. Neu oribatid mites of the USSR] // Zoologichesky Zhur-nal. T.53. No. 12. S. 1880-1885. [In Russian]

55. Криволуцкий Д.А., Казадаев A.A. [Krivolutsk] D.A., Kazadaev A.A, 1976. Haplochthoniidae, < new for the fauna of the USSR family of oribatii mites] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.55. No.8. S 1258-1259. [In Russian]

56. Криволуцкий Д.А., Тарба 3.M. [Krivolutsky D.A Tarba Z.M. 1971. To the fauna of oribatid mites о Abkhazia] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.50. No.SS. 1408-1411. [In Russian]

57. Криволуцкий Д.A. [Krivolutsky D.A. 1973. Faun; of oribatid mites of Abkhazia] // Ecologiya poet vennykh bespozvonochnykh. Nauka Pubi. House Moscow. S.203-207. [In Russian]

58. Кулагина И.Н. [Kulagina I.N. 1984. To the study о the fauna of oribatids of meadow-grey soils of thi Kura-Araksinskaya Lowland ofAzerbaijan] // Profc lemy pochvannoy zoologii. Tezisy dokladov VII Vsesoyuznogo  soveshchaniya.  T.l.  Ashgabad S. 167. [In Russian]

59. Кулагина И.Н. [Kulagina I.N. 1985, Oribatids ofthi wind forest strips of the Karabakh steppe of Az erbaijan] // Tezisy dokladov V Vsesoyuznogo Ac arologicheskogo  soveshchaniya.  Frunze. S.175-176. [In Russian]

60. КулагинаИ.Н. [Kulagina I.N. 1987. The influenceo fertilizers on the species composition and dynamic of oribatids] // Problemy pochvannoy zoologii. Tez isy dokladov IX Vsesoyuznogo  soveshchaniya' Metsniereba Pubi., Tbilisi. S.355-356. [In Russian

61. Кулиев К.A. [Kuliev K. A. 1961a. Oribatid mite (Acariformes, Oribatei) of the Lenkoran' Provino (Talysh) of the Azerbaijan SSR and their distribu-tion in stations] // Trudy Azerbaijan pedagog-icheskogo instituta imeni V.I.Lenina. T. 15. S.23-41. [In Russian]

62. Кулиев К. A. [Kuliev К. A. 1961 b. To the knowledge of oribatid mites of Azerbaij an with the description of two new species] // Trudy Azerbaijan pedagog-icheskogo instituta imeni V.I.Lenina. T. 17. S.47-58. [In Russian]

63. Кулиев К A. [Kuliev K.A. 1962a. Fifteen new representatives of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatei) of the genera Oppia and Ceratozetes] // Trudy AzNIVI. T. 13. S.250-268. [In Russian]

64. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1962b. New species of the genera Oribatula and Oribateila  (Acariformes, Oribatei) from Azerbaijan] // Trudy Azerbaijan pedagogicheskogo instituta imeni V.I.Lenina. T. 20. S.77-81. [In Russian]

65. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1962c. Seven new species of oribatid mites (Acariformes, Oribatei) from Az-erbaijan] // Trudy Azerbaijan pedagogicheskogo in-stituta imeni V.I.Lenina. T.20. S. 83-94. [In Russian]

66. Кулиев К A. [Kuliev K.A. 1963. The familty Li-acaridae in the fauna of Azerbaijan] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaij an SSR. Т. 19. No. 11. S.71 -
74. [In Russian]

67. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1965. The genus Sucto-belba Paoli, 1908 in the oribatid fauna of Azerba-ijan] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.21. No. 12. S.51-55. [In Russian]

68. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1966a. To the study of oribatid mites of the genus Oppia Koch.] //Uchenye zapiski Azerbaijan gos. universiteta. Series Biolo-gy. No.3. S. 16-24. [In Russian]

69. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1966b. New species of the family Oppiidae Grand.] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.22. No.12. S.55-58. [In Russian]

70. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1966c. The representa-tives of the genera Ctenobelba  and  Urubambates

(Oribatei)] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR.T.22. No.5. S.57-61. [In Russian]
71. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1966d. New representa-tives of oribatid mites from Azerbaijan] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.22. No.3. S.75-81. [In Russian]

72. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1966e. A representative of the genus Lamellocepheus Bai. in the fauna of the USSR] // Problemy pochvennoy zoologii. Nau-ka Pubi., Moscow. S.73-74. [In Russian]

73. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1967a. Two new species of oriblatid mites from Azerbaijan] //  Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.22.No.7. S.85-91. [In Russian]

74. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1967b. New species of the family Damaeidae  Beri,  1896] //  Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.23. No. 11. S.63-70. [In Russian]

75. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1967c. Azerbaijan No-throidea Grandjean, 1954] // Uchenye zapiski Az-erbaijan gos. universiteta. T.l. S.l5-18. [In Rus-sian]

76. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1967d. On the represent-ative of the genera Machuella,  Oribateila,  Oppia] II Uchenye zapiski Azerbaijan gos. universiteta. Series Biology. T.4. S.59-67. [In Russian]

77. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1968. New species and subspecies of oribatid mites from the forests of Azerbaijan] // Uchenye zapiski Azerbaijan gos. universiteta. Series Biology. No.2. S.84-101. [In Russian]

78. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1977a. Flexa Kulijev nov.gen. The type species Carabodes dubius Kul-ijev, 1968, family Carabodidae C.L.Koch, 1837] / / Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.33. No.4. S.64-67. [In Russian]

79. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1977b. The type species Gendzella cribrarla] II Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T. 33. No.5. S.55-57. [In Russian]

80. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1978a. Triangius Kulijev nov.gen.] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.34. No.l. S.58-60. [In Russian]

81. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1978b. Dzarogneta Kul-ijev nov.gen.] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerba-ijan SSR. T.34. No.5. S.74-76. [In Russian]

82. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1979a. New species of oribatid mites of the genera Joelia, Scheloribates, Zygoribatula, Trichoribates] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.35. No.9. S.84-90. [In Russian]

83. Кулиев K.A. [Kuliev K.A. 1979b. New species of oribatid mites of the genera Plesiodamaeus, Allo-damaeus, Carabodes, Hermanniella] // Doklady Academii Nauk Azerbaijan SSR. T.35. No. 12. S.78-83. [In Russian]

84. Лагидзе O.B. [Lagidze O.V. 1981. Fauna of the Podzol Gley Soil of the Kolkhida Lowland and Its Changes In the Course of Drainage and Exploita-tion.] Autoref. Cand. Diss. Thesis. Moscow. 23 s. [In Russian]

85. Ланге А.Б. [Lange А.В. 1972a. New species of mites paleacarids (Palacacaridae)] // Vestnik MGU. Se-ries Biology. No.4. S. 103-106. [In Russian]

86. Ланге А.Б. [Lange A.B. 1972b. New species of the genus Zachvatkinella (Palaeacaridae, Acariformes) from the Far East, Baikal and the Caucasus] // Zoologichesky Zhurnal. T.51. No.12. S. 1889-1892. [In Russian]

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