I.A. Akimov, I.V. Badanin, I. WitaAbout authors:
I.A. Akimov, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 01601 UkraineAnnotation:
Some functional characteristics of the suctori-al type of gnathosoma in various prostigmatid mites are analyzed. The activity of the labrum including its possible role in the hermetization of the preoral cavity is considered. The oligomeriza-tion processes of the muscular complexes of the gnathosoma as well as the functional substitution of its structures are discussed. As a whole, the trophic specialization of mite species studied is character-ized by the various morphological adaptations of their mouthparts. These structural transformations of the gnathosoma are more flexible if compared with its muscular system being rather more con-servative.
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