
2002. 10 (1)



About author:

Sergey V. Mironov, e-mail

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The author wishes to thank Professor W.T. Atyeo (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) and Dr. M.H. Naudo (Musée National d'Histoire Na-turelle, Paris, France) for the loan of material used in the present study. The investigation was support-ed by the Russian Fund for Basic Research, projects No. 00-04-49323 and 00-15-97742.


Three new genera of the feather mite family Alloptidae (Analgoidea) are described from vari-ous ibises (Ciconiiformes, Threskiornithidae). The genus Ptyctalloptes gen. n. is based on the type species Ptyctalloptes claviger (Trouessart, 1885) comb. n. from the Scarlet Ibis, Eudocimus ruber. The genus Spinicnemis gen. n. includes two spe-cies: Spinicnemis reticulatus sp. n. (type species) from the Oriental Ibis, Threskiornis melanocepha-lus (type host) and the Australian White Ibis Th. molucca\ and S. striatus sp. n. from the Sacred Ibis, Th. aethiopicus.The genus Tauralloptes gen. n. is monotypic and includes Tauralloptes cornutus sp. n. from the Hadada Ibis, Hegedashia hagedash. The genus Ceraturoptellus Cerny, 1969 is removed from the subfamily Oxyalginae to Alloptinae; one new species of this genus, Ceraturoptellusplatale-ae sp. п., is described from various spoonbills: Platalea alba (type host), P. leucorodia, P. minor. Biodiversity and host-parasite associations of the alloptid mite taxa associated with the Threskiorni-thidae are briefly discussed.


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