
2002. 10 (2)



About authors:

Е.А. Bragin, V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center of Rational Land-Use, Tyumen, 625003 Russia
Andrei V. Tolstikov,

X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia; e-mail:


The authors are thankful to Dr. Roy A. Norton (SUNY, Syracuse, New York) for drawing their interest to arboreal oribatid mites of Siberia and Dr. Adelaida D. Petrova-Nikitina (Department of En-tomology, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow) for many helpful suggestions. Many thanks should be extended to the Tyumen State University Department of Zoology students who actively participated in the project: A. Nekrasov, S. Petunkina, D. Khrabrova.

The present work was fulfilled under the aegis of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education program "Higher School as the State Resource of the Scientific and Technological Development of the Regions", subprogram "Unique Objects of the Higher School...", the project "Zoological Muse-um of Tyumen State University as the Center of Biodiversity Research: Poorly Known Taxaof Phy-tophilous Invertebrates of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems of the West Siberia South" directed by A.V.Tolstikov.

This work was also supported in part by the Joint Request-Order of the Russian Ministry of Education "Biodiversity of Arboreal Oribatid Mites of the Eastern Palaearctic Region" and the travel grant from the Federal Program "Integratsiya" to the second author. Partially this work was also supported by the Tyumen Province Administration Department for Research and Education.

The second author is grateful to Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), U.S. Department of State, for the opportunity to do research in the USA in 2000/2001 and the following ALIGP grant (2002). His thanks are due to Potanin Foundation for the Young University Professor grant (2002).


The arboreal orbatid mites inhabiting bark, twigs, leaves and epiphytes of three species of trees were studied in West Siberia. Forty species of mites from 31 genera and 17 families were found, 3 of which could be referred to as being the arboreal mites perse: Micreremus gracilior, Phauloppia sp., Scheloribatidae sp.sp. The vertical distribu-tion of oribatid mites on the trunk and in the canopy (twigs and leaves) and microbiotopic preferences of particular species were revealed.


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