
2002. 10 (2)



About author:

Sergey V. Mironov, e-mail

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The author wishes to thank Dr. I.M. Kerzhner (The member of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, Zoological Institute RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia) for the consulta-tion on nomenclature problems and Dr. T.D. Galloway (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada) for reviewing the manuscript. The author is thank-ful to Prof. Dr. W.T. Atyeo (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) for loaning comparative materials used in the present study.

The study was supported by the Russian Foun-dation for Basic Researches (Grants No 00-04-49323, 00-15-97742).


Taxonomic corrections are made with regard to two feather mite genera, Pteronyssus Robin, 1877 and Parapteronyssus Faccini et Atyeo 1981, species of which parasitize woodpeckers (Pici-formes, Picidae). The type species of the Pteronys-sus Robin, 1877, originally designated as Der-maleichus picinus Koch, 1841, was misidentified by the author of the genus and this situation has not been corrected by subsequent investigators. Par-apteronyssus robini Faccini et Atyeo, 1981 (=Der-maleichus picinus sensu Robin, 1877, nee Koch, 1841), which was used for the creation the genus Pteronyssus Robin, is now fixed as the type species of this genus (under the Article 70.3.2, Internation-al Code of Zoological Nomenclature). In the se-quence of this taxonomic action, the genus Par-apteronyssus Faccini et Atyeo, 1981 becomes a junior synonym to the genus Pteronyssus Robin. The taxon Pteronyssus sensu Faccini et Atyeo, 1981 represents a distinct genus and does not correspond to the genus Pteronyssus Robin in the original concept and in the sense fixed here. As the name "Pteronyssus'" for the taxon of Faccini and Atyeo is preoccupied, it is replaced by a new name, Neopteronyssus nom. n. The species Dermaleichus picinus Koch, 1841 retains a type species of this taxon as it was originally designated. Corrected diagnoses of the genera Pteronyssus and Neopter-onyssus are proposed. Type species of both genera are redescribed, based on the material collected from respective type hosts.


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