
2003. 11 (1)



About author:

Sergey V. Mironov, e-mail

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia


This discussion work was performed in the frame of the projects supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (Grant N 03 - 04 - 490072, 02-04-63000).


Two problems in the systematics of feather mites are discussed. The first problem concerns the macrosystematics of feather mites, their taxonomic frames, arrangement of recently recognized families into superfamilies, and phylogenetic relationships among their superfamilies. Two general concepts in regard to the taxonomic frame and taxonomic sys-tem of feather mites recently exist. The concept of Gaud and Atyeo [1996] is most detailed and widely used in practice by taxonomists and other investiga-tors of the group in question, while the concept of O'Connor [1982a] most adequately reflects the phy-logenetic relationships between higher taxa of feath-er mites. The second important problem in the study of feather mite concerns the homology of the ventral hysterosomal setae (coxogenital setae) among dif-ferent taxa of feather mites, and, respectively, the assignation of chaetotactic nomenclature to them. Several hypotheses of homology of the ventral hys-terosomal setae in different taxonomic groups of feather mites are proposed and discussed.


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