Alexander A. Khaustov, W. L. MagowskiAbout authors:
Alexander A. Khaustov,X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
Department of Animal Taxonomy and Ecology, A. Mickiewicz University, Szamarzewskiego 91 A, 60-569 Poznac, Poland, e-mail:
We thank Dr. J.C. Moser (Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Pineville, Louisi-ana, USA) for his critical review of earlier versions of the paper.
Our investigation of subcortical beetles and their galleries revealed 15 species of tarsonemid mites (Tarsonemidae) associated with 20 species of Scolytidae, one species of Cerambycidae and one species of Pythidae in Ukraine (Crimea) and Russia. The richest tarsonemid community was found in galleries of Pityogenes bistridentatus (Eichhoff, 1878) and Orthotomicus longicollis (Gyllenhal, 1827). Tarsonemusprimus has the broadest range of coleopteran hosts (six). T. primus, T. curiosus and T. pseudolcicustris are recorded for the first time as bark beetle associates. T. metacinops is found for the first time in galleries of O. longicollis and under elytra of cerambycid (.Rhagium inquisitor L.) and pythid (Pytho depressus L.) beetles (new hosts). Pityokteines spinidens is a new host for T. minimax, and Pityogenes bistridentatus and P. calcaratus are new hosts for lponemus punctatus.
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