
2004. 12 (1)



About author:

Sergey V. Mironov, e-mail

Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia


The author wish to thank Prof. Dr. W.T. Atyeo (University of Georgia, Athens, USA) for loaning numerous comparative materials used in the present study, Dr. T.M. Perez (Universidad Nacional Au-tonoma de Mexico, Mexico) for the possibility to examine collection of feather mites in the UNAM, Dr. L. Tiefenbacher (Zoological National Collec-tion, Munich,Germany) for loaning important type specimens, and Dr. H. Proctor (University of Al-berta, Edmonton, Canada) for critically reviewing the manuscript.

The study was supported by the Russian Foun-dation for Basic Research (Project No 03-04-49072).


The taxonomic status of the genus Mesalgo-ides Gaud et Atyeo, 1967 (Psoroptoididae, Panda-lurinae) and three related supraspecific taxa is re-vised, and taxonomic corrections to type species of the genera Mesalgoides and Dicamaralges Gaud et Atyeo, 1967 are made. I reduce the taxonomic frame and species content of the genus Mesalgo-ides to those of the subgenus Mesalgoides s. str. The genus Picalgoides Cerny, 1974 stat. п., origi-nally established as a subgenus of Mesalgoides, is elevated to generic rank. The taxon Dicamaralges retains its original generic status. Chiasmalges Gaud et Atyeo, 1967 is maintained as a distinct genus versus as a subgenus of Mesalgoides. Improved diagnoses are given for the genera Chiasmalges, Dicamaralges, Mesalgoides, and Picalgoides; main discriminative characters for all genera of the sub-family Pandalurinae are described.

Confusion over the type species of the genus Mesalgoides is clarified. The purported type spe-cies of this genus, designated as "Dermaleichus oscinum Koch, 1841 from Chloris chloris (L.)", was misidentified by Gaud and Atyeo [1967] be-cause it was treated in the sense of Robin and Megnin [1877] rather than of Koch [1841]. Dimor-phus megnini Oudemans, 1937, a substitution name for the species of Robin and Megnin, which was actually used as a basis of the genus Mesalgoides, is now fixed as a type species (under Article 70.3.2 of the ICZN); its recent valid name is Mesalgoides megnini (Oudemans, 1937). True Dermaleichus oscinum Koch, 1841, which was actually described from Motacilla alba L., is a representative of the






genus Analges Nitzsch, 1818. The recent valid name of this mite species is Analges oscinum (Koch, 1841), and the name Analgespachycnemis Giebel, 1971 syn. n. is its new junior synonym.


The type species of the genus Dicamaralges is given the valid name Dicamaralges loricatus (Vitz-thum, 1926) comb, п., because the originally pro-posed name Dicamaralges dasybrachius Gaud et Atyeo, 1967 syn. n. is its junior synonym.


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