
2004. 12 (2)


About authors:

Bochkov A. V. , Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya emb. 1, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 1109 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA

Barry M. OConnor,

Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

A. J. Gorog, Museum of Zoology, Michigan University,! 109 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan,48109 USA.
Wildlife Conservation Society-Indonesia Program, P.O. Box 311, Bogor 16003, Indonesia


We thank Prof. Alex Fain (IRSNB) for access to type specimens of some mite species. We express our thanks to Drs. Lawrence Heaney (FMNH), James Patton (MVZ), and Nancy Simmons (AMNH) who provided access to the host specimens exam-

ined in this study. We especially thank Dr. Guy Musser (AMNH), who revised this manuscript and allowed us to sample the Maxomys material he obtained in Sulawesi. Sri Hartini, Martua H. Sina-ga, and Agustinus Suyanto of the Museum Zoo-logicum Bogoriense and Indonesian Institute of

Sciences (LIPI) were enormously helpful in our work at the Indonesian national museum. M.H. Sinaga and Maharadatunkamsi of the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense and LIPI, Bastian and

Yudhi from Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, and Farizal and numerous local assistants facilitat-ed the collection of mammals in West Kalimantan. Funding for mammal surveys and collecting in West Kalimantan was provided by the University

of Michigan, The American Society of Mammalo-gists, Sigma Xi, and the New York Explorers Club. Host -parasite research was supported by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation DEB-0118766 (PEET) to BMOC.


Field collections of murid rodents in south-western Borneo, supplemented by examination of museum specimens from various southeast Asian localities, yielded four new and eleven previously described species of fur mites of the genus Listro-phoroidesHii'st(Acan\ Astigmata: Atopomelidae). The following associations are reported: Listro-phoroides (Listrophoroides) cremoriventer Fain ex Niviventer cremoriventer from West Malaysia and Borneo; L. (L.) ptilocercus Fain ex Sundamys muelleri from Borneo; L. (L.) rapit sp.n. ex Niviv-enter rapit, L. (L.) borneoensis Fain ex S. muelleri,

L. (L.) pahangiFam ex Leopoldamys sabanus, and L. (L.) brachypyx Fain ex Rattus tiomanicus, all from Borneo; L. (L.) bowersi Fain ex Dacnomys millardiftomN. Vietnam; L. (Marquesanid) cucul-latus (Trouessart) ex Rattus tanezumi diardii and/?. tiomanicus, L. (M.) lativentris Fain and L. (M.) sculpturatus Fain, Nadchatram et Lukoschus ex S. muelleri, all from Borneo; L. (M.) echiothrix sp.n. QX Echiothrix centrosa, L. (M.)interpolatusFainex M. dollmani, M. hellwaldii, andMaxomys sp. from Sulawesi; L. (M.) lenothrix sp.n. andL. (M.)pseu-dolativentris sp.n. ex Lenothrix canus from West Malaysia; andL. (Paklistrophoroides)scutalisF&in ex Leopoldamys edwardsi from China and Laos.


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