2005. 13 (2)
Alexander A. KhaustovAbout author:
Alexander A. Khaustov,X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
I thank Prof. V.D. Sevastianov (Odessa Na-tional University, Ukraine) who provided para-types of Petalomium podolicum, P. scyphicum, and P. carelitschense.
Two new mite species of the genus Petalomi-um: P. tauricum sp. п., and P. brevisetum sp. n. are described from Crimea. Petalomium tothi Mahun-ka et Zaki, 1984, P. tumidisetosum (Willmann, 1951), P. gottrauxi Mahunka, 1977, P.fimbrisetum Ebermann et Rack, 1982, P. aleinikovae (Sevas-tianov, 1967), P. formicaria?! (Berlese, 1903), P. carelitschense (Sevastianov, 1967), P. scyphicum (Sevastianov, 1967), and P. rarum (Sevastianov, 1967) are recorded from Crimea for the first time. All mites were collected from different species of ants.
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