
2006. 14 (2)


About authors:

S. V. Bugmyrin, Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Pushkinskaya 11, 185910 Petrozavodsk, RUSSIA
L. A. Bespyatova, Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Pushkinskaya 11, 185910 Petrozavodsk, RUSSIA


This research was supported by a grant from «Integration» FÑP (project No. 638).



Species diversity of gamasid mites was studied based on data from a long-term survey of 11 species of small mammals (six species of Rodentia and five species of Soricomorpha) in the middle taiga of Karelia. Six families, 17 genera, and 25 species were found. Parasitidae (8) and Laelapidae (7 species) have the highest species richness. The structure of the fauna is heterogeneous, ranging from free-living mites to permanent external parasites, with parasitic mites quantitatively dominating. The core of the fauna includes parasitic species with wide Palaearctic distribution: Echinonyssus eusoricis, E. isabellinus, Hyperlaelaps arvalis, Haemolaelaps dogieli, Eulaelaps stabularis Koch, 1836, and Laelaps hilaris Koch, 1836. The bank vole, field vole and root vole have the highest species diversity of parasitic gamasid mites.


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