2006. 14 (2)Author:
Alexander A. KhaustovAbout author:
Alexander A. Khaustov,X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
I thank Dr. W. L. Magowski (A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland), for reviewing the manuscript and making helpful suggestions. I also thank Mr. A. Sergeenko (Nikita Botanical Gardens, Yalta, Ukraine) for help during preparation of the figures.Annotation:
A new genus, Dolichodispus gen. nov. (Acari: Microdispidae), and seven new species of the genus Premicrodispus Cross, 1965 are described from Crimea: P.kaliszewskii sp. n., P. montanus sp. n., P. brevisetus sp. n., P. rackae sp. n., P. krczali sp. n., P. longicaudus sp. n., P. tenuisetus sp. n. Dolichodispus angustus (Krczal, 1959), Premicrodispus akermanae (Sevastianov et Zahida, 1988) comb. nov. (from Brennandania) and P. lineatus (Mahunka, 1986) comb. nov. (from Brennandania) are redescribed. A key to Palaerctic species of the genus Premicrodispus is given.Bibliography:
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