
2007. 15 (1)



Voltzit O.V.

About author:

Voltzit O.V., Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Bol. Nikitskaya 6, Moscow, 125009 Russia


This review includes descriptions of all available Neotropical Amblyomma species, keys to males and females, synonymy lists, geographical distribution, and host-parasite associations. Note that three species have not been included in our study, because samples were not available for comparison. However, these are valid species: Amblylomma hirtum Neumann, 1906, Amblyomma boulengeri Hirst et Hirst, 1910, and Amblyomma beaurepairei Voglesang et Santos Dias, 1953.


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to Oswaldo Cruz, 59: 115–129.

Aragão, H.B. and da Fonseca, F. 1961b. Notas de
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Martins, J.R., and Guglielmone, A.A. 2005. Rede-
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