
2007. 15 (2)


About author:

Petr V. Tuzovsky,

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia
e-mail: tuz@ibiw.yaroslavl.ru


The author expresses sincere gratitude for val-uable materials sent for processing, granted and loaned for the study, and for useful assistance while performing this investigation, to the following col-leagues: Dr. O.V. Voltzit (Zoological Museum, the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia), Dr. T.S. Vshivkova (Institute of Biology and Soil Sci-ences, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Acad-emy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia), Dr. N.N. Kuznetsov (The Nikita Botanic Garden, Yalta, Cri-mea, Ukraine), Dr. D.V. Tumanov and Dr. A.B. Shatrov (the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg), Dr. O.S. Tsember ( Institute of Biology, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar, Rus-sia), V.V. Yakimenko (Omsk Scientific Research Institute of Natural Infections, Omsk, Russia), Dr. R. Gerecke (Zoological Institute, the University of Tübingen, Germany) and P. Martin (Zoological In-stitute, the Cristian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany). The author is especially thankful to Dr. S.V. Mironov (Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg) and to an anonymous referee for critical comments, valuable advices and corrections proposed to the manuscript


This study presents a detailed taxonomic review of water mites of the genus Thyas Koch, 1836 (Hydryphantoidea: Thyadidae) found in the fauna of Russia during the long-term survey period of 1970–2004. The review includes illustrations and (re)descriptions of all known active stages of 13 species found in this country: Thyas bruzelii Lundblad, 1926, T. magadanensis Tuzovskij, 2000, T. dirempta Koenike, 1912, T. diremptellus (Tuzovskij, 1990), T. barbigera Viets, 1908, T. inepta Lundblad, 1925, T. pachystoma Koenike, 1914, T. fastus Tuzovskij, 1980, T. thoracata Piersig, 1896, T. distinctus sp. n., T. sibiricus sp. n. and T. rarus sp. n. Separate keys to all species based on adults, deutonymphs and larvae are presented. The review also includes revised diagnoses of the family Thyadidae and the genus Thyas. The familial status of Thyadidae, which has been treated by many experts as a subfamily, is discussed and substantiated. The genus Parathyas Lundblad 1927 is synonymized with the genus Thyas. Subdivision of the genus Thyas into two subgenera based only on morphological features of adults (Cook, 1974) is not accepted, because the distribution of some essential morphological characters of deutonymph and larvae among Thyas species does not correspond to the distribution of adult characters used for that subdivision. Thyas langei Tuzovskij, 1976 is transferred to the genus Zschokkea Koenike, 1892 (Thyadidae) and is given the valid name Zschokkea langei (Tuzovskij, 1976) comb. n.


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