About authors:
Weigmann G., Gerd Weigmann, Institute of Zoology, Koenigin-Luise-Str. 13, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Murvanidze M., Maka Murvanidze, Georgia LEPL Institute of Zoology, Chavchavadze av. 31, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
A new record of Protoribates parabadensis Kulijev, 1968, in Georgia afforded the opportunity to redecribe this Caucasian species and to discuss its taxonomic status. The species is most similar to Pseudoprotoribates luxtoni Weigmann et Monson, 2004, and we therefore regard it as a second species of the genus: Pseudoprotoribates parabadensis (Kulijev, 1968). Both species have the same characteristic lamellar complex; but the species differ in the shape of the sensillus, of the discidium and the number of notogastral areae porosae.
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