
2010. 18 (1)



Momen F.M.

About author:

Momen F.M., Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, 31 El-Tahrir Street, 12622 Dokki, Cairo, Egypt


Cannibalism and interspecific predation of adult females and immatures stages of the generalist phytoseiid mites, Neoseiulus barkeri and Typhlodromus negevi were studied under laboratory conditions. Adult females of both predators exhibited higher predation rates on larvae than on eggs and protonymphs respectively. Neoseiulus barkeri and T. negevi fed more interthan intraspecifically. Females of N. barkeri were able to sustain oviposition on a conspecific prey, whereas cannibalizing females of T. negevi were not able to lay eggs. When females confined without food, no eggs was laid by the two predators, and T. negevi survived longer than the corresponding stage of N. barkeri. Immatures of both predators were able to reach adulthood when provided with either con- or heterospecific prey. Juvenile development was shorter and predation was higher when N. barkeri and T. negevi fed on heterospecific vs. conspecific larvae. The present study indicates that phytoseiid immatures are a suitable prey for survival, development and reproduction of polyphagous phytoseiids.


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