
2010. 18 (2)


About author:

Bochkov A. V. , Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya emb. 1, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 1109 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA


Mammal-associated psoroptidians belonging to the superfamily Sarcoptoidea (Acariformes: Astigmata: Psoroptidia) reviewed at the familial level. Keys to all genera and lists of their species along with verified host records are provided. The families of the superfamily Sarcoptoidea (12 families and 3 subfamilies incertae sedis, more than 160 genera and 1000 species) belongs to two familial complexes deserving superfamilial status: Sarcoptid complex — Atopomelidae, Chirodiscidae, Chirorhyn-chobiidae, Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, Listrophoridae, Myocoptidae, Pneumocoptidae, Sarcoptidae, Rhyncoptidae, and 2 subfamilies incertae sedis deserving familial status, Dromiciocoptinae (described as subfamily of Myocoptidae) and Listropsoral-
ginae (described as subfamily of Psoroptidae); Psoroptid complex — Lobalgidae, Psoroptidae, and the subfamily Paracoroptinae (described as a subfamily of Psoroptidae) deserving familial status. The following taxonomic changes were made — Atopomelidae: (i) the subfamily Centetesiinae Fain, 1976 syn. nov. is synonymized with Atopomelinae; (ii) the genus Atopomelopsis Fain, 1972 stat. res. is restored with one species A. longipilis (Fain, 1971); (iii) Bathyergolichus cryptomys Fain et Bochkov, 2003 syn. nov. synonymized with Bathyergolichus hottentotus Fain, 1986. Listrophoridae: (i) the genus Amlistrophorus Fain, 1981 stat. nov. (formerly subgenus of the genus Afrolistrophorus) received the full generic status; (ii) The subgenus Spalacarus Fain, 1980 stat. nov. (formerly genus) included to the genus Afrolistrophorus; (iii) the subgenus Teinolistrophorus Fain, 1981 syn. nov. is synonymized with the subgenus Spalacarus; (iv) the subgenus Mexicochirus Fain et Estebanes, 1996 (formerly subgenus of the genus Asiochirus) is included to the genus Olistrophorus; (v) Amlistrophorus venezuelensis Fain et Lukoschus, 1983 comb. nov. (formerly species of the subgenus Afrolistrophorus) is included to the genus Amplistrophorus. Myocoptidae: a new monobasic genus Apocalypsis Bochkov gen. nov. is described with the type species Gliricoptes allactaga Fain et Lukoschus, 1979. Psoroptidae: (i) the following species are considered as valid in the genus Psoroptes: Psoroptes ovis (von Hering, 1838) [=Psoroptes
equi (von Hering, 1838), Psoroptes cuniculi (Delafond, 1859), and Psoroptes cervinus (Ward, 1915)], Psoroptes natalensis (Hirst, 1919), and P. pienaari (Fain, 1970); Chorioptes japonensis Takahashi et Nogami, 2001 syn. nov. is synonymized with Chorioptes bovis (von Hering, 1845).


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