
2011. 19 (2)


About author:

Petr V. Tuzovsky,

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia
e-mail: tuz@ibiw.yaroslavl.ru


This study presents a detailed taxonomic review of water mites of the genus Tiphys Koch, 1836 (Hygrobatoidea: Pionidae) found in Russia during a long-term survey period between 1970 and 2008. The review includes (re)descriptions and illustrations of all known active stages of 18 Tiphys species found in this country: Tiphys bullatus (Thor, 1899), T. ensifer (Koenike, 1895), T. uchidai Viets, 1956; T. lapponicus (Neuman, 1880), T. latipes (Müller, 1776), T. pistillifer (Koenike, 1908), T. gladiatorTuzovskij, 2005; T. ornatus Koch, 1836; T. scaurus (Koenike, 1892), T. scaurellus Tuzovskij, 1983; T. torris Koenike, 1914; T. an-adyrensis sp. n., T. chaunensis sp. n., T. kamchatkaensis sp. n., T. kolymaensis sp. n., T. minutiporus sp. n, T. samaraensis sp. n.and T. yaroslavlensis sp. n. Separate keys to all species based on females, males, deutonymphs and larvae are presented.


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