
2014. 22 (2)


About author:

Abou-Shaara H.F., Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, P.O. Box 22516, Damanhour, Egypt


Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is the major challenge for beekeeping worldwide. Therefore, various methods and materials for Varroa control have been suggested and tested including; plant extracts, essential oils, biological agents, mechanical methods and some chemicals. This paper aims to present the available options for Varroa control and to survey the performed comparative studies among these options. This paper can be considered as a good guide for researchers during their studies on Varroa control. The presented review highlights that still more comparative studies among Varroa control options under different ecological conditions are strongly required. Basically the performed researches have been concentrated on testing chemical materials and essential oils while relatively few studies have been done on the other control options. It is concluded that the Varroa mite should be continuously (monthly) managed within honey bee colonies using mechanical methods or treatment with essential oils (mainly thymol). In severe cases, and especially during the fall and not during honey seasons, the use of chemical materials can be done with preference to oxalic or formic acid.


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