About authors:
Umukusum Ya. Shtanchaeva,
Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Sergey G. Ermilov,
X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
Andrei V. Tolstikov,
X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
Luis S. Subías,
Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Two oripodoid oribatid mites, Indoribates (Haplozetes) minutus (Tseng, 1984) and Muliercula femoroserrata (Pérez-Íñigo et Baggio, 1980) comb. n., are redescribed on the basis of specimens from Brazil. Indoribates (H.) minutus is recorded for the first time in the Neotropical region. The recombination of two scheloribatid species, Scheloribates femoroserratus Pérez-Íñigo et Baggio, 1980 and S. orixaensis Badejo, Woas et Beck, 2002, as Muliercula femoroserrata (Pérez-Íñigo et Baggio) comb. n. and M. orixaensis (Badejo, Woas et Beck) comb.n., is proposed. An identification key to known species of the genus Muliercula is given.
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