
2017. 25 (1)


About authors:

Nasr A.-E., Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Center, Dokii, Giza, Egypt
Abo-Shnaf R., Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokii, Giza, Egypt
Momen F.M., Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, 31 El-Tahrir Street, 12622 Dokki, Cairo, Egypt


The study of Eichhornia spp. in the Sohag and Qualyubia Provinces, Egypt, revealed two new species of the genus Platyseius (family Blattisociidae), Platyseius aegypticus sp. n. and Platyseius girgaensis sp. n. Descriptions are provided based on the morphology of adult females and males. The possible use of these predatory mites as biological control agents should further be investigated.  

DOI: 10.21684/0132-8077-2017-25-1-61-73


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