
2020. 28 (2)



Ilse Bartsch

About author:

Ilse Bartsch, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Hamburg, Germany


Thanks are due to M. Sc. Halldis Ringvold (Norway), who collected several of the halacarids mentioned, to Dr. Claude Poizat (France) and Dr. Reinhardt M. Kristensen (Denmark), who, in the course of their sampling programs, took care of halacarids and forwarded them to the author. Thanks are also due to Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton (DESY) for offering the author a work space in the institution, and of course to two unknown referees who have carefully read the manuscript and given useful hints.


Records of halacarid species collected in the Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone are summarized, and three new records are added. The list of halacarids includes 45 marine species in 15 genera and two species belonging to two freshwater genera. To each genus a short diagnosis is given, and to each species information about original descriptions, as well as recently published details about the morphology, geography and habitat is provided. The fauna of Norway, compared to that of other eastern North Atlantic coastlines, is poor. We can expect that in the course of further collecting activities, spanning from the tidal zone to deep-sea basins, the number of species will be distinctly more than doubled.

DOI: 10.21684/0132-8077-2020-28-2-129-167


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