2024. 32 (1)Authors:
Alexander A. Khaustov, Andrey V. FrolovAbout authors:
Alexander A. Khaustov,X-BIO Institute, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia
We sincerely thank Fernando Z. Vaz-de-Mello (UFMT) for providing us with an opportunity to study the scarab beetle collection under his curation. The work by the junior author was performed under the framework of the State Research Project No. 122031100272-3.Annotation:
A new monobasic genus of Neopygmephorid mites (Acari: Neopygmephoridae)—Rhombophorus brevipedis gen. and sp. n.—collected from the beetle Anomiopsoides cavifrons (Burmeister) (Scarabaeidae: Eucraniini) in Argentina is described. Females of the new genus are characterized by a remarkable enlarged, poorly sclerotized and almost rhombic in outline claw on tibiotarsus I, as well as large pinnaculum, bearing two solenidia (ω1 and ω2) and four eupathidia (tc’, tc”, ft’, ft”) on tibiotarsus I. A provisional key to the genera of Neopygmephoridae is also provided.
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