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Twenty-four species of Tetranychidae are reported from the North Caucasus, Russia. The presence of Eurytetranychus buxi (Garman, 1935) in this region has been...
An unknown male of the rare phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus sugonjaevi (Wainstein et Abbasova, 1974) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) is described from the soil of s...
A new feather mite genus Megalaimobius gen. n. and three new species of this genus are described from the Asian barbets (Ramphastidae: Magalaim-inae) in Vietn...
A new monobasic genus of Neopygmephorid mites (Acari: Neopygmephoridae)—Rhombophorus brevipedis gen. and sp. n.—collected from the beetle Anomiopsoides cavifr...