The most popular keywords (of all 30):
A new species Barbutia cubensis sp.n. is described based on females and males collected from forest litter in Cuba. A key to adult females of Barbutia is provi...
One new species of Galumna (Neogalumna) (Oribatida, Galumnidae)—Galumna (Neogalumna) eusebioi sp.n.—is described from the Mount Guiting-guiting Natural Park, ...
A new species of mites of the family Scutacari-dae (Acari: Heterostigmata), Imparipes nikitensis sp.n., is described from reduviid bugs Pasira med-iterranea ...
Female, male, tritonymph and deutonymph of Cunaxa dentata sp. n. are described from Crimea. C. bochkovi Khaustov et Kuznetsov, 1998 is re-corded for the first...
A new species Trochometridium kazachstani-cum sp. n. is described. The adult female of this species is found to be foretic on adult carabid beetle Machozetus ...
A new melicharid mite of the genus Orolaelaps De Leon, 1963, O. guanahacabibensis sp.n., is described based on female specimens collected from coastal soi...